Friday, 30 December 2011
learning the traffic lights slowly.
Throughout this video we just learn the arms and i begin to pick up when our head moves when doing the traffic lights.
I concentrated throughout this hole video to try and get them right, even when it got a bit faster at 0.31 i got a bit confused but carried on and got the rest right. In the breaks i kept going over this as it did get ore confusing when the feet got added and it sped up a bit, but i didnt over worry myself as this could end more worse.
The proper 'audition', me, ray, farrah and joe were first up againist each other and for us to both prove that we were good at this dance and both deserved 'the part'.
Again at the beinging i gave it my all so that i would stand out and the continued to give it my all throughout. At 0.02 seconds i looked forwards when i should have looked at ray but yet i still carried on with the dance and ignored this mistake.
At 0.10 seconds me and ray were looking at eachother smiling to show we was both enjoying it, also our arms are in a good position and made this part look good.
From 10 seconds onwards ray took the roll and moved me around but i still had to control my moves witch i think i did well.
At 0.17 seconds the traffic lights began... 2 seconds after that i forgot them! I still carried on and didnt make a big deal about it i just made sure the next set i did them and did them well.
Coming to an end i made sure that i really showed off what i had learnt so that i stood out from the others making sure they remebered my performance.
Learning the second part of the dance, as you can see it all goes well untill the traffic lights!
At 0.11 seconds i stopped doing the traffic lights and i get confused so i then wait for the next part of traffic lights and get confused again and wait for the next part of the dance! I shoud of tryed to carry on and not just wait for the next part of the dance but i was scared of getting more confused and aking a fool out of myself.
The end par od the dance went ok, i could have dont better but i had only just learnt it therefore i was just picking up the moves.
This part was all about wiggling our hips and being on our toes the whole time.
Me and Ray start ours at 0.18 seconds. At 0.21 seconds i was looking down, i need to have more confidence within myself and look up and not look feet. At 0.22 seconds you can see that me and ray both push our hips out and give a really effective look. also throughout when we are waking you can see that we are both staying on our toes and not losing the effectivness. Again at 0.54 you can see me on my toes. One thing that i have spotted again at 0.55 seconds is me looking down at the floor. Me and Ray near the end of the video then begin to lose our steps and we just walk off, we should of carried on and not just walked off.
So the improvements that need to be done throughout furture lessons is to gain confidence and look up also when forgotten carry on.
Within this video they are teaching us the very begining the dance, as you can see i am looking at the the hole time concentrating on the moves that they are doing and lisneing to what they are saying. At 0.02 seconds i get a bit confused with the arms and what way they were meant to be but i soon change them to the right way by looking at the professionals arms.
When we all perfor it together mine and rays one doesnt look to back we could give more effort but it was our first tie doing it and we was aking sure of getting all the moves right.
'The audidtion'
I feel this part of the audition went really well, me and ray worked really well together helped eachother out on bits we didnt quite get to make the end perforance too good. We made sure that we were smiling and enjoying the dance.
You can see from the very begining of the video clip that i was really giving it my all and really pushing all of my moves. We was also in time with very one else which was good as we wasn't going too fast or too slow.
At 0.10 seconds you can see that i am looking down this isnt as i am looking at the floor and i should be looking up at my partner showing that we are both really enjoying the dance. Although i was concentrating on what i was doing they was judging us as a pair therefore i could have lowered the impressions a bit for both of us.
At 0.14 you can see that me and ray are looking at eachother, as this is a partnered dance and the judges said they wanted to see us getting us geting along well and chemsitry between us we looked at eachother, smiled as uch as we could and gave it our all.
At 0.33 we ended in our last posistion, i waited there untill the judges clapped and didnt move. Also right at the end you can see that even once people had started moving i still waited there and gave the jugdes as uch as i could give.
Show off a skill
This was that part where we had to show off about any good moves we had and as you can see i was the last one to go as i felt i didnt have any, therefore i used the kicks as my tanlent as i couldnt think of anything else and i felt i could do these quite good.
At 0.03 seconds you can see that my arms are in good alignment and that my leg is kicked high. You cannot see in this shot but everytime i kicked my leg i tried to make my toes pointed.
At 0.06 seconds you can see that my back leg isn't straight so this is an improvent that needs to be done. Methods that i could do this is by balancing on one leg and with the other leg put it back and slowly put it higher making sure that it is always straight.
At 0.13 seconds you can see that my leg is really high yet i was still keeping balance, my toe looks pointed but could use some improvents and y arms look floppy. My arms need to be out and straight.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Each week i feel myself getting better and better at these, still needing more improvements, but the more i get better the more enthusastic i am about these.
At 0.02 seconds you can see that my leg is out wide and my body is kept upright, also you can see in my face that i am really concentrating. At 0.08 seconds you can see my plie, my feet have graudally got wider throughout the weeks and i feel this is a good plie as i can also hold my balance at this width apart. Also at 8 seconds you can see that every time i come back from pushing my foot out i am coming back into a full plie whereas before i would only coe back half way. At 0.22 seconds you can see that my toes are not pointed to full potentail, this is still soething that needs to be worked on. Another thing that still need improving is working through the floor as i still dont do this very often. At 0.26 seconds you can see that my toes are pointed. So i need to work on getting my toes pointed every time my foot leaves my other foot. Also at 26 seconds you can see i am starting to lean to the side, so i found the less extentions on one foot the ore i lean so this needs improving. When dont one on each foot a stil wobbled a tiny bit but not as uch as before which is an improvement!
work through the floor
point toes every time leg gets extended
i wobble only a litte so try hardest not to wobble at all!
I feel in the dance that i am ore enthusastic about it as the weeks have gone one as i feel i have improved alot more from the first time i did it.
At 0.04 seconds you can see that i worked through the floor to get to this poing and my toes are pointed. One thing to improve on here is to bring my back more upright so the whole thing look strong and presentable. I also need to work on standing upright at 0.09 seconds. At 0.12 seconds you can see that i am doing a demi point on my right foot, i feel that my demi point is good and i always push as high off the ground as possible. At 0.13 you can see that i had just started my 'ankle, knee down'. At this point my foot is at my ankle, my toe is pointed well and have stood up straighter and improved my posture at this point. At 0.18 seconds i feel that my toe is pointed well, i have wroked through the floor and leg is extended to is full, i am proud of this! 0.37 we have gone into second position and started our demi points, i feel that my demi point is good and high and my second position is a good width apart. I need to improve on the alignment in my arms as they are on a bit of a slop downwards so i need to bring them up to shoulder hight. At 0.40 we lift off the ground, compared to everyone else i feel i have pushed myself abit to high off of the ground so maybe i shouldnt have such a spring in my push off, but a good thing i have done is that i have pointed my toe kept y arms up and kept a tall body. At 0.49 seconds you can see that i a faster than a few of the people in my class as i am touching my knee and they are only on there ankle so i need to concentrate on keeping in time with everyone else. My toe is again pointed and i am holding my balance well for my leg to be high up. At 1.00 you can again see that i have lifted my leg up high, my toes are pointed and my arms this time are in alignment. An improvement that i can see here is that i have tilted my head with my body so i need to keep my head straight and look forward. At 1.10 you can see that we started the development, we closed into 5th position and i feel that my feet turn out rather wide so my 5th position looks good. This was out second time doing the developent part so it is not that good. At 1.13 we started to push our leg round, you can see that i have fully extended my leg but i have leant to the side, i need to improve on this and stand up straight. At 1.17 seconds you can see that i have jumped out as wide as possible with arms still in alignment. At 1.19 you can see that when coming forward with my foot i havent exteneded it to my full potential and toe is not pointed this needs to be improved. At 1.31, this shot you can see me jumping up and you can see that i have a big spring in my foot and i a trying to get as much hight as possible. At 1.34 you can see when pushing my foot back forward that i have extended it more this time and have a upright posture.
When doing the first part of exercise push off floor but not so high that my legs are nearly in a right angled posistion
When pushing foot backwards at the beggining of the development keep body in upright position.
Keep arms in alignment at all times
Extend leg when going forwards and point toes
How to improve these:
Be alot lighter on my feet and only get a small push off of the ground
Practice this when standing straight with arms down and the more it gets better start to add arms in as i feel that me leaning to the side has something to do with my arms as i feel my body following them round, also when doing this try going forwards with my leg to get the full extention and pointed toes when going forwards for the developent
I have mentioned strong arms in a few of my other blogs so by doing an exercise that will stregthen my arms will help hold the up
Monday, 21 November 2011
Plie devlopments, when doing these i can really feel my quads and hamstrongs really working.
At 0.00 seconds you can see that i have really arched my back and gone down into a lowish plie. could be lower. also my arms are rounded and structured well. At 0.03 seconds i dont think my plie is wide enough and could be better, also my arms are way to high they need to be lowered. But my back has a good curve. At 0.06 seconds i am going faster than everyone else and not using the whole 8 counts, i and also really sticking my stomach out! this needs to be sorted so i am just rotating my back and not my hole top half of my body. At 0.19 seconds i am again sticking my stomach out, but my arms are straight and in a good position. At 0.26 seconds i dont give much of a arched back in second position at this point. Also my arms aint very structured and are nearly straight in this shot. At 0.29 seconds i go down into a good plie and have a good curved back but again my arms are too high this denfinatly needs improving! At 0.30 seconds, the second arch was alot better than the first and my plie has increased. 0.34 sticking stomach out again...
At 0.53 we started the development and i automatically stick my bum out, i need to make my back more upright and suck bum in! 1.07 seconds i am leaning forward which is leadin to my bum stcicking out. We then did the bounces, this was hard as it hurt my legs alot but i coped through it. At 1.17 my arms are nearly in alingment but need to be a little more straighter. At 1.23 seconds my heel comes up, i feel it come up quite high and this is good. At 1.28 i start to wobble when trying to balance on toes, so this is another thing that needs to be worked on. i am really tryin to concentrate to keep my balance. Also arms are in alignment. 1.43 good ending posisiton.
Alot of improvements are needed on this exercise!
- dont stick bum out on development
- keep arms in alignment at all times
- dont stick stomach out on first part of exercise
- keep balance on development
- on first part of exercise dont put arms to high
- increase leg strength
How to improve these:
- hold back upright to prevent bum sticking out
- create exercise to keep arms strong so alignment is easy to hold
- practice rotating only the top half of my back with someone holding my waist, then get them to let go and see if i can do it alone
- practice balance then hopefully will improve when on toes
- practice exercise and make sure arm are low
- create exercise based on legs to improve strength on them.
For this exercise i feel it was more dancey and i really enjoy this exercise so i am alot more enthusuiastic about doing it.
it starts by twisting the troso, so at 0.00 you can see that my body is pulled upright, my arms are straight and in alignment. Also at 0.02 second you can see that i have a good arched back and my arms arnt floppy and are structured well. At 0.03 seconds my arms come up and are again in alignment. At 0.09 seconds i have a good arch but i think i need to make my head more heavier for the arch to flow the whole way through the spine. At 0.12 my back isnt a flat back it is more of a slope! therefore this needs improving. At 0.36 you can see that i am really twisting my spine by completely turning the whole top half of my body and me head. you can also see the same thing happening with the wraps at 0.43. At 0.44 you can see that i am really extending my arms and pointing my toes trying flex and move my spine as much as possible. At 0.48 seconds you can see that when twisting and flowing arms behind me i carried on twisting my spine to my full potential throughout. At 0.49 you can see a little of my tilt. What you can see from this shot that my arms are both straight and not a wide width apart. Also my leg are in a good right angled position. A0.50 seconds we was doing a turn, you can see that i need to stand more uprught to make it a neat and presentable turn. But this all chances at 1.01 senconds as my arms are completely out and they should be straight down next to me to make the turn neat. At 1.07 you can see my arm in is a good position and the further it goes back the more my body twists.
When looking at this video i feel i completed this exercise to my full potental and did really well when twisting my spine, also i am alot more enthusicatic about doing this exercise.
The first cunningham exercise. As you can see i am in perfect kit for this lesson, as always, and you can see from my face that i am really concentrating in this video so i know that i can perform the exercise to the best of my ablitiy.
At 0.02 seconds you can see that my foot is lifted off of the floor but my toe is not pointed and i am also leaning to the side a little but not much, this is a big improvvement from the first time i had done it. also you can see at this time that i am pulling myself upright and really concentrating on what i am doing. At 0.07 seconds you can see that we have started on the left foot, my toe looks a little more pointed this time and i am not leaning so much because i was really concentrating on pulling myself up and not leaning. i need to work on working through the floor as on both feet i have not worked through the floor. At 0.11 seconds you can see that i have started to lean to the side more as got faster and i have not quite mastered standing upright and not leaning to the side yet as it gets faster. At 0.14 seconds my foot is touching the floor so i have started working through the floor here but i need to work through the floor the whole way through. As this video comes to an end these start to get faster, and the faster they get the more i look like a pengiun!! At 0.22 seconds you can see my plie, i dont think this is a good plie as i dont go down to my fall potential and one leg is coming out wider than the other.
- to work through the floor when doing this excercise
- to keep body upright throughout and not sink into hips
- to point toes at all times
- improve plie at the end
- dont lean from side to side as gets faster
How to improve:
- practice this exercise slowly and make sure toes are pointed, working through the floor and not leaning, gradually get faster and dont move on further untill i can get it at that speed
- practice plies and make hamstrings and quads more streched so it doesnt hurt as much when going down
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Duo's For Miss Englad's Lesson :)
For this lesson we made up duos that were based around the cunningham exercise twist tilt cruve and arch. At 31 seconds my duo starts, it starts with me twisting my back and my partner arching hers. We started like this as we had a theme of making the duo look like a 'fight' so by starting like this it looked like i had started on her. I then arched her back twice, i feel this was a bit repeative as all i was doing is just pushing her, to make this better i could of arched over with her so we was both doing the cruve. At 37 seconds my partner then cruved my back. by looking at this shot i feel that i have a every good curved back. At 43 seconds we both tilted in together, i feel that my tilt is quite good as we are both tilting in together and we have really made it look like and arguement the hole way through and for this point we have still made it look arugmentive. At 45 second i wait for my partner to come over to me, i feel like here something could be added so i a not just waiting around. She then pushes me down into a cruve and she curves over me, i feel this looks good. I then 'elbow' her and then curve my back to make it look like i won the fight.
In this duo we covered all the cunningham exercises which were the tilt, twist, cruve and arch. I feel that there if alot that needs to be devloped to make it a stonger and better peice but for a first time i think we achieved alot and made it a good theme throughout.
Friday, 18 November 2011
plies; arched/cruved back exercise and devlopment
Before the video even starts you can see by the shot that i am doing a very low plie and i am trying to make this stonger so i can get lower and achieve a better plie. Also you can see that my back is curved well. At 0.02 you can see that i have a curved back that could use improvements but for a first time is good, and my plie is still good but knees could come out further to make it a better plie. at 0.07 you can see that i am going alot faster than the other people ion my class so i need to slow down and make it more smoother I have also got to try and not stick my stomach out so mach and just move my back. at 0.31 you can see we have steped into second position and started our first plie with an arched back. i think that my pluie is good, still needs improvement like moving my knees out further but i could do this by streching more so it wont hurt as much if i go lower. At 0.32 we curve out back. i think that i have a good curve and a good plie. at 0.38 we start to rotate our back. i think i rotate my back good and rotate alot of the spine but i need to not stick my stomach out so much! at 0.56 we start the development. at 0.57 i have finshed my plie and start to come up, i think that i can definatly go lower on this and maked more improvements. 1.03 - embarrassment of my life!!! my bum is sticking out so much i need to get a straight back and not stick my bum out. 1.13 bouncing, this really hurt im leg muscles but i kept going as i really want to achieve getting lower and improving my plie, here again i also need to bring my bum back in! At 1.27 you can see that my foot is up and is a good point. At 1.31 we had to hold ourseleves up, i think i had pulled my back up straight and sucked my bum in more at this point but i sdo start to lose balacnce as time goes on and start to stick it out AGAIN!
- stuck bum in
- improve plies and get lower
- improve balance when holding myself up on my toes
- dont stick stomach out when rotating
How to improve these:
- practice going down into plie slowly, making sure bum is in and not out and the develop it by holding myself up on toes
- strech leg muscles more often
- practice holding myself up on toes at home and hold on to something and then take it away
- pactice rotations on upper back only so stomach doesnt come out.
Torso twist exercise and development
The torso twist development for me i found alot more fun so i was more enthusastic about it and had more energy as it was a more of a dancey exercise. At 0.10 you can see that my arms are not in alignment and are too far back behind me so i need to imrpove this by brining the forward. at 0.14 my 'flat back' isnt flat so this need to be worked on. Normally my flat back is really good when still but i need to start making it better when i am going at a fast paste of movement. on a lighter side my arms are in alignment when doing the flat back. At 0.34 the developments start and you can see that i really put loads of effort in for the torso wraps to get more of a twist in my spine and then at 0.36 you can see that iu turn my head to the back also to have that twist more. At 0.37 ywe start to lift our arm behind us, you can see that i do this really softly and still look behind to still get that twist in my back. You can also see that my foot is very pointed when doing this. At 0.41 we then do the tilt, you can see that one of my arms is straight and going thee way it should but the other one is slightly behind to i need to make them in the same place and both in line with each other. Also you can see in this shot the gs are in a very good right angled position. At 0.42 i need to starighten my arms and hands to make them more neater when moving across room. At 0.44 you can see that i go straight into the exercise and dont hesetate not to. In the second half of this development i dont turn my head around to the back (other when lifting my arm around) trying to achieve full moblity of the spine, so this need to be improved. At 0.52 you can see that my arms are not straight and this needs to be sorted!
- improve flat backs that dont last long and go into other moves
- alignment in arms when twisting to the side on torso twists
- turn fully when doing the start of development
- make arms straight when doing the tilt and hold it with right angled legs
How to improve theses:
- make up an exercise using a flat back that has a movement before and after them so i get use to doing them for a short period of time
- practice aligenment when twisting till perfect alignment at least 3 times
- practice holding tilt postition with straight arm and then devlop it by moving in to it so i get use to moving in to that posistion making sure my arms are straight and tidy.
Bounces in parallel and devlopment
This video is showing our first lesson on learning the developments for the cunningham exercises, so as you can see that they are not going to be perfect!!
aas you can first see at the time 0.04 my 'arched' back isnt so arched! This is because my back is to low down, i need to bring my back up more and make more of a top arch in the upper part of my spine. a good thing that i noticed is that my arms are very structured and not floppy. also when bringing my arms up and getting them ready for plie at 0.08 my arms have good alignment. At 0.35 you can see, that compared to the others in my class, i havnt got and arched back and i really do need to work on this and getting my back arched. at 0.53 you can see that my plie is low and i really try to put alot of effort in pushing myself to the limit of how low i can get. we then moved on to the bounces in parallel development, at one minute exactly you can see that i am really looking at my back in the mirror to make sure thqat i can get a good cruve. And you can see that i have a curved back and it is quite good but could have improvements. also at this time you can see that my arms are high and in line with my body and not to far back/forward. At 1.03 you can see that my toe is pointed well, but you can also see that i havent got much of an arch anymore so i need to work on this. at 1.26 i did a turn, i need to neaten up my arms on this turn but my balance was good.
- to work on my arched back on bounces in parallel
- to work on my curved back whilst lifting off the floor
How to work on these improvements
- when trying to get an arched/curved back i could work on this by flexing my spine more so it has the moblity to stay there without it hurting. Also i could practice these exercises to make myself better.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Waheyyy first attempt at doing and teaching bollywood dancing
In this lesson we looked at any different dance styles. These are the styles we looked at: ballet dance, ballroom dance, contemporary dance, belly dance and raqs sharqi dance, break dance, foxtrot, hip hop dance, irish dance, jazz dance, jitterbug dance, lindy hop dance, line dance, meringue dance, modern jive, modern dance, quickstep dance, rock and roll dance, salsa dance, samba dance, street dance, swing dance, tango dance, tap dance, waltz dance, bollywood dance, flamingo dance, african dance and finally aerial dance. Many of these dances i have not done before but by the end of this lesson i sure had sure experience on some of them! Ones i have done before are; Street dance (which i still do), irish dance, tap dance, ballet dance. We then had to teach one we had never done before so the one i choose to teach was bollywood.
- one of my strengths when doing this i think that my arms were every strong
- another strength i think was good is that my energy fow was good throughout it was only a short piece but if i were to carry on going this energy would of staied
- as becky also said ;) i think that i was good at teaching my bollywood peice as i explained it well and went through the first bit with the class then added the next part on then did it al to the music.
- when teaching i like to make my sessions fun and enjoyabe but stil knowing that people have earnt soething and i feel i did this
- i need to sort my talking out and not stuble with words and be ore confident with what im saying and doing
- i could of made this dance longer to make it ore intresing for the others
- stop pulling so any facial expressions!
- when pushing out to the side could of made arms more stronger
- when explaining i should go into ore depth about what i a saying and also ake sure i explain well so no one has questions to ask
Skills to develop:
Stronger arms - to do this i can work on ar exercises so whatever i do with my arms and in whatever position they are in they are strong.
Leg work - i seem to aways be bouncing on one leg so to make it more of a challenege i coud swap legs and bounce on the other leg
Spacial awareness - i had loads of space when doing this dance and i stood in one place i can develop on learning a new bollywood dance that invovles moving round the dance hall more and making it more active
To start developing these new skills i can put together exercises that strengthen my arms, i can also work on y co-ordination skills to swap legs when bouncing. To be aware of space i can learn new bollywood dances that are more active and invovles moving around more. I can do this by youtubing bollywood dances or going to bollywood dance classes or even lookin at films to get ove off of.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Why are we learning both techniques?
I think that we are learning both techniques for a few different reasons. One reason i think we are learning both techniques is to give us an understanding of how people use to dance a while back to now and to show how insiprational both people are to these styles of dance. Also i think we are learning them not only to see how insiprational they are but to teach us new skills that we haven't learnt before. Another reason i think we are learning these technques is to shows how completly different they are; Martha Graham uses her dance techniques to show alot of emotion in the body, i think her moves are every flowy for example if she wanted to show pain from standing to low she would make sure that the body would flow from head to toe. This emotion could be dissapointment, upset, lonely or show no confidence but this emotion would all flow and set an atmoshpere according to the emotion. Whereas Cunningham is a every force movement person and he restricts parts of the body from moving. He took all of Martha's flow and made it masulin, tense, strong. For example the twist's and spins in his techniques all have to be every strong and forceful, no flow. both techniques are every different and i believe we are learning them to see the difference, to understand how different the two people are, even though Cunningham got taught by Martha! It just goes to show that Cunningham wanted to make it his own and make it unique to anyone elses.
Cunningham techniques
23seconds in i need ti extend my arms more so that more energy looks like it is flowing.
We first started of by doing the bounces, i noticed that my shoulders need to be slightly moved forward to make more of a curve in my back and fit up to the starndars of the cunningham technique. To get this curve in my back i will just have to keep practicing it. I also noticed that my arms were floppy and they need to be stronger and more presentable. My head needs to look more heavy to give more of an effect and also my legs need to be more straight and not bent. at 56 seconds i need to make sure that my ares are more tense and stong so that they look better.When raising on toes i need to go as high as possible and not just go half way up. a good point for exercise one would be that we are all in time and that i am making clear movements.
The second exercise was the torso twist which was alot quicker moves with a curved back to a flat back. A focus point for me is to make sure my head is down at all times and not poking up and also to show energy all the time. When turning to the side my head needs to turn with my body and not face the front. I feel that all my moves were curved and in a good position but my back needs to be more flat when it comes to straightening it out. 1.56 when turning my body my hips (and headlights!) should stay facing the front and not turn with me.
The 4th exercise was to do you our feet. On this i think i did well with keeping my toes pointed and controling my legs throughout but i need to push my foot through the floor until i cannot anymore then more it to a further position instead of just putting my foot into the position that is furthest without pushing it.
We then went on the the arched back, curved back and the circles. at 3:01 on my 'ankle knee down' i need to make sure my toe hits them and not my hole foot.
The 3rd exersise was plie's. When bending at 3:36 my knees need to be more outwards to get a better plie and to engage all my muscles more. At 3:47 i feel i needed to make my arms more bigger in making those circles and tilt my body more to each side and arch my back more when going around. Another thing with my arms is they should stay straight throughout. My hips shouldnt trust forward they should stay still as it is all to do with the back movement. I should alsomake the exercise more snappy.
Exercise 5 was another foot exercise. I think i started with a good starting position, ever upright and ready for dance. At 4:27 i noticed i started sinking into my hips and i need to pull up my weight to not do this. at 4:32 i had a good pointed foot. When coming back i need to use floor as resisitance and actually use the floor and not just out my foot into its position.
We then moved on to a more of a dance routine which was torso wraps. Things i do need to improve on is keeping my arms strong and not just flopping them about. I need to look over my shoulder more to improve my wrap. And a 5:35 i need to roll up through my spine more.
We then moved on to rotating and circulation of the shoulders and elbows i also fought this was a strong point for me as the timing was good with everyone. But i need to keep my arms strong and at 6:32 my palms need to b facing each other. 6:38 in plank i need tp lower my bum when on the floor. And when gettin up from this plank i need to roll up through spine slowly.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
For the triplets i feel that mst steps were at equal lenght but all of the steps should be, i also need to stay on the same sort of level where as i when high low high low. Throughout the whole thing i had my head down and i should look up, be confident with what i was doing and not look down the hole time.
Gramham technique - standing contractions, twiddles, core training, jumps
At first we started with the flat backs and i feel my first flat back was very good and my arms staied strong and straight at 23s. I also feel that my second position was good and my feet were wide. My second flat back wasnt as good as my first as my head was too far down therefore it wasnt completly straight. Another time thins happened was at 1:59 my head was again too low.
We then moved on to contractions and at 2:35 i feel my flat back looked good as the contraction come from the lower back looked breath taking.
At 2:40 twiddles start. when we first started them i need a long neck and
need too look up more. 3:16 arms start to drop so i need to keep them strong throughout the whole thing.
3:34 core training starts. I feel my balance was good but i need to have a bit more stablity as i do start to wobble at some points. Things to help would be staring at a spot, lift head and feel confident or feel you have a 3rd leg and thats holding you up. Also keeping my arms still could level out the balance and keep me stable. When i lower my back also i should keep everything sucked in.
We then moved on to pulses on the floor. I felt this was quite strong for me as i was quite low and kept pulses goind, i did fall down at one point but i should keep going, not quit and carry on working my abs. Also when doing sit ups i felt this was a stong point for me too as i carried on going and i felt i had good pointed toes when doing them. We then worked our abs by standing on toes and fore arms, i need to put my bum now to work my abs more.
we then started on out jumps, theres alot i need to work on like keeping my balance whilst doing but i felt that i did strech my leg out far but could have been further. I also need to tell more of a stroy when doing it and show more of a passion for the dance, show that it isnt just a dance that there is more to it and a story and feeling in every move i do. I also feel my arms need to be alot stronger when coming out as they should be sharp and not just thrown out.
warm up - graham technique
At the very beggining of the video i begin to touch my hair and strach my face, i should be standing upright, not moving and made everything i do at the standard of performance. In one of the exercises do to with our arms, at 4:12, we tilted ourselves to the side with one arm over our heads to strech our sides and leg, i then stuck my bum out, i need to push it in so my body makes a line from head to toe and no bums sticking out. To get this perfect line i should bend my knee out more so my bum can come inward with that instead of out. We then did a running exercise flicking our toes when they lifted the ground, i found this was a weakness and need to flick them more. Also when running, at 3:00, i need to run more like a contempary dancer instead of a heavey footed runner.
At 4:07 the arm excersises then started. A strong point for me is that i felt that my arms are straight and strong. We the put our arms in the air in a 'V' shape. I need to make my arms more strong and ingaged. The alignment in my arms do need to be strong and i need to show stronger ab's.
5:38 the contractions start. A strong point for me i found when sitting i had a straight back and when coming up i had a straight back a good point for this was at 7:19 and by keep practicing this it helps the spine be more flexible and fluent. When contracting and going over i feel i need to put more effort in getting low and tryin to make my head touch the floor.
7:47 the foot exercises start. my foot should ping off the floor more and be more pointed as they are flexed and just fling about they should be more controlled. When doing the 'break' my torso should bend more and be more moveable. Also when coming back from pinging my foot off floor my toes should be the first thing to hit floor the ball of foot not the whole foot together.
With all of this every thing should be so energetic and levels of energy should never go down in rehersal or performance.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Comments on video of dance exercises
Comments on video of dance exercises:
When i was rolling my shoulders back and forward i noticed that every time they come back round i bent my knees and made a jolt in my body when i should be keeping still.
Also on my contractions i think i could show more of a emotion in my stomach and show it more as if my gut was being ripped out. When we was running back anf fourth i think i could flick my feet more and make them go as high as my bum.
i think throughout the whole exercise i kept my arms strong and didnt let them go floppy at any point with in the exercise. I think also that during the contractions when i sat uo i kept my back very straight and upright. I also think that my plie is wide, good and even when i bend my feet dont come back into parallel.
When i was rolling my shoulders back and forward i noticed that every time they come back round i bent my knees and made a jolt in my body when i should be keeping still.
Also on my contractions i think i could show more of a emotion in my stomach and show it more as if my gut was being ripped out. When we was running back anf fourth i think i could flick my feet more and make them go as high as my bum.
i think throughout the whole exercise i kept my arms strong and didnt let them go floppy at any point with in the exercise. I think also that during the contractions when i sat uo i kept my back very straight and upright. I also think that my plie is wide, good and even when i bend my feet dont come back into parallel.
Dance contraction
A contraction is one of Martha Grahams key elements in her technique of modern dance. she created this ides to show feeling like pain or relief. When using a a contraction in modern dance is so that the audience can understand what is happening to the person and the feelings they are doing. A contraction is meant to be shown like your gut is being pulled from your stomach through your back. This shows a lot of pain. The release part is when you straighten you back and you stomach starts to relax.
This photo is a martha graham contraction and it shows her contracting with her torso.

This photo is a martha graham contraction and it shows her contracting with her torso.
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